About Fillaxo

Fillaxo is a leading reliable trunkey global supplier of aseptic carton packaging and filling equipment for beverage, dairy, food and liquor industry. We are using recyclable, renewable, and sustainably raw materials to provide innovative and unique solutionsto our consumers. We shape healthy life driving to smart future by means of accurate and revolutionary technologies and original carton, pet filling and processing technologies.

Fillaxo is committed to generate low carbon footprint and making life better through our innovative and unique solutions.

Our story

Fillaxo was founded 15 year back in Dubai and operating throughout the world. Today Fillaxo working to provide perfect package to help our customersto create innovative products, building smarter plants and through that providing the shape of healthy life.

Low carbon footprint generation and empower our consumers

End-to-end solutions that add real value to our consumers products

Right process, Right packaging, Bright future

Our locations

FILLAXO has a sophisticated supply network, with company owned facilities in 2 countries, helping to serve customers all over the world.

About Fillaxo

Fillaxo is a leading reliable trunkey global supplier of aseptic carton packaging and filling equipment for beverage, dairy, food and liquor industry. We are using recyclable, renewable, and sustainably raw materials to provide innovative and unique solutions to our consumers. We shape healthy life driving to smart future by means of accurate and revolutionary technologies and original carton, pet filling and processing technologies.

Fillaxo is committed to generate low carbon footprint and making life better through our innovative and unique solutions.

Our story

Fillaxo was founded 15 year back in Dubai and operating throughout the world. Today Fillaxo working to provide perfect package to help our customers to create innovative products, building smarter plants and through that providing the shape of healthy life.

Low carbon footprint generation and empower our consumers

End-to-end solutions that add real value to our consumers products

Right process, Right packaging, Bright future

Our locations

FILLAXO has a sophisticated supply network, with company owned facilities in 2 countries, helping to serve customers all over the world.